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Worldwide Church of God Feast of Tabernacles 2022

After the death of God’s Apostle, Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, the successor, and other church leaders thrust God’s Church into apostasy. Thus, we experienced the great falling away from the truth. Upon ceasing to be God’s true Church and to reflect their new doctrinal changes, in April 2009, the denomination changed its name to Grace Communion International.

Officially, this year, they finally released the name of God’s true Church as given by His apostle. For the first time in thirteen years, the Worldwide Church of God and ALL the true teachings it stood for were upheld in the United States of America. This year, Grand Rivers KY, was the first-time host of God’s Feast of Tabernacles. We were truly blessed as we were met with illustrious fall colors and moderate temperatures. The “Land Between the Lakes” genuinely offered a millennial setting for all to enjoy. Services were conducted each day in our rented Feast house in Little Lake Village. God’s Feast was attended by 24 wonderful brethren throughout the eight days of the Feasts. The room was bright and cheery and filled with their love for each other—the presence of God’s Holy Spirit was evident—as we each endeavored to “speak the same thing” (1 Cor. 1:10). A command unrealized for thirty-six years!

Many commented on the spiritual uplifting from the fellowship and deepening relationships. Our little flock of God’s people afforded a unified and family atmosphere. Many also remarked on the spiritually fulfilling messages they received throughout the Feasts through the sermons and sermonettes. One member stated, “I have been listening to sermons for years and I always have a ‘what did he just say’ moment, but this year I did not have one ‘what!?!’” Another commented: “the messages were in line with the Truth and were ‘meat in due season.’”

Besides the members and deacons, two ministers were present to serve the brethren: Mr. Ron Stephens and Mr. Michael Elertson. Mr. Elertson gave two sermons tying into the Feast theme: “Kingdom of God, focus of the saints.” Mr. Stephens also kept to the Feast theme as he addressed our young people and in his powerful message showing our God-given responsibility to uphold the hands of Christ’s apostle. He reminded us of the tremendous importance and blessing of Mr. Armstrong’s greatest work: “Mystery of the Ages”—a book given to us (in this end-time) for our admonition, learning and to assist us in “contending for the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude v3). Truly, it is the greatest book written since the Bible itself—a fact so many of God’s people have forgotten. We were also graced with special music from the teens and children’s choir on two occasions.

Grand Rivers, with its small-town charm, beautifully colored leaves, and rolling hills provided the brethren with a millennial atmosphere! It was off-season for the area and there were not as many extracurricular activities to attend, which meant more time for each other. In fact, we had almost every meal together—enjoying taco salad, fish fry, BBQ, and one Friday formal meal served to us in grand fashion by our young people with a Bible study to follow. Our time and focus were on each other. We kept it God’s Feast (Lev. 23:1) as opposed to just another vacation. These Feasts are the crescendo of God’s master plan of salvation for all mankind. As firstfruits of that plan, we truly received the much-needed spiritual charge for the time ahead

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